Congenital Anomaly
Craniosynostosis and Faciosynostosis
Non syndromal
- Metopic (trigonocephaly)
- Sagittal (scaphocephaly)
- Coronal unilatral (plagiocephaly)
- Coronal bilateral (brachycephaly)
- Coronal and sagittal (oxycephaly)
- Lambdoïd (pachycephaly)
- Crouzon
- Apert
- Pfeiffer
- Saethre-Chotzen
- Fronto-nasal Dysplasia
- etc...
- Positional deformity
Hypertelorism and Facial Clefts
Midline facial clefts
- Without nasal anomaly
- With nasal anomaly
Lateral facial clefts
- With nasal, eyelid anomaly
- Orbital Dystopia
- Fronto-orbito-nasal
- Occipital
Lateral anomalies
- Franceschetti - Treacher-Collins
- V arch syndrom
Growth anomalies
- Neurofibromatosis
- Fibrous Dysplasia
- Dysostosis and Hyperostosis
Trauma and Post traumatic Sequelae
- Frontonasal Fractures
- Craniofacial Disjunction
- Facial Retrusion and Nasal Dislocation
- Orbital Dystopia
- Exophtalmos
- Ectropions
- Epicanthus